"Good clothes open all doors," or so said 17th-century English historian Thomas Fuller, and when it comes to warm-weather dressing, we think dudes should take a page from Fuller's 400-year-old book. Indeed, as the temps edge toward sandals-and-shorts levels, guys need to remember that just because it's getting sweaty, there's no need to get sloppy. On that note, we've checked out all the wares at our fave local boutiques to compile a list of spring things that should live in every man's closet come April. From a limited-edition tote to an insanely inexpensive "Hermès" T-shirt, our selection of sartorial goodness will ensure that velvet ropes need not apply.
Jack Spade Armory Show Coal Bag, $240, available at Jack Spade, 56 Greene Street (between Spring and Broome streets); 212-625-1820. |
Royal Elastics Brother Basil, $85, available at RoyalElastics.com and Shoe Mania, 654 Broadway #1 (between Bond and Bleecker streets); 212-673-0904. |
J. McLaughlin Silk Print Bowtie, $45, available at J. McLaughlin, 1008 Lexington Avenue (between 72nd and 73rd streets); 212-879-9565. |
Blood Is The New Black Birkin Men's Crew, $44, available at bloodisthenewblack.com and Oak NYC, 28 Bond Street (near Lafayette Street); 212-677-1293. |
Gant Yale Co-Op Shirt, $115, available at Gant, 645 Fifth Avenue (near East 51st Street); 212-813-9170. |
J. Crew Nanamica Gore-Tex Field Jacket, $849, available at J. Crew, 99 Prince Street (between Greene and Mercer streets); 212-966-2739. |
21 Men F7316 Sunglasses, $5.90, available at Forever 21, 40 East 14th Street (near University Place); 212-228-0598. |
Missoni For Chuck Taylor All Star shoes, $200, available at Jeffrey, 449 West 14th Street (between 9th and 10th avenues); 212-206-1272. |
Levi's Compass Crew, $60, available at Levi's, 536 Broadway (between Prince and Spring streets); 646-613-1847. |
Burberry Prorsum Double-Breasted Trench Coat, $1530, available at Burberry, 131 Spring Street (between Wooster and Greene streets); 212-925-9300. |
American Apparel Striped Web Belt, $30, available at American Apparel, 345 7th Avenue (between 29th and 30th streets); 212-239-7940. |
Heutchy Manner II, $350, available at heutchy.com or Odin, 199 Lafayette Street (near Broome Street): 212-966-0026. |
Gap Sailboat Boxers, $12.50, available at Gap, 22 5th Avenue (near West 17th Street); 212-253-0145. |
Coach Mercer Parker, $598, available at Coach, 370 Bleecker Street (between Charles and Perry streets); 212-243-3612. |
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