If you've got a DVR full of shows to catch up on, some snacks to nibble, then we've got the perfect solution for you. Even with almost no jewelry-making know-how, you can fashion an impressive-looking DIY necklace that's guaranteed to get a lot of play in your fall wardrobe. So, cancel your post-brunch plans, and make it a crafternoon!
The Inspiration |
Let's Begin:
Here's what you'll need: Climber's rope Brass hex nuts Brass lobster clasps Brass jump rings, small and medium sized Brass end caps Light blue seed beads Needle White thread Scissors Needle-nose pliers Super glue Embroidery floss in several different colors Gold-colored thread or elastic |
Step 1: Cut a length of climber's rope. For the final
product you will need four or five ropes that are slightly different
lengths, so it's a good idea to cut the the sizes you want now. |
Step 2: Put super glue inside of one end
cap. You want enough so that the climber's rope will stick securely, but
not so much that glue will gob out. |
Step 3: Insert one end of the climber's rope into the
end cap. Be careful not to get glue on your fingers! Wait a few seconds
for the glue to dry before continuing onto the next step.
If you do get a little super glue on your fingers (we had plenty, trust
us), just use some acetone nail polish remover to get it off your skin. |
Step 4: Choose the first color of embroidery
floss you'd like to use. Tie one end of the floss around the climber's
rope at the bottom of the brass.
Tip: You can either cut a length of embroidery
floss to wrap around the rope, or you can keep the floss connected to
the bundle—whichever you find easier!
Step 5: Trim the smaller end of the embroidery floss so it's about a half-inch long. |
Step 6: Hold the short end of the floss against the
rope. Begin to wrap the longer end of the floss around the rope,
covering the short end to hide it. Continue wrapping until you would
like to change to a new color. Wrap tightly so the floss doesn't
unravel, and make sure not to leave any gaps where you can see the rope. |
Step 7: When you want to change colors, simply tie the new floss around the end of the one you were just using. |
Step 8: Just as before, keep the short end of the floss against the climber's rope and wrap over it. |
Step 9: Switch up the colors! The beauty of
this necklace is that there is no symmetry and no two colors are the
same length, so feel free to have lots of tiny blocks next to super long
ones. Change it up!
Step 10: Let's try adding some beads now. First, cut a
length of white thread and tie a knot at one end and string the needle
on the other.
Step 11: Put a small amount of the seed beads into your
palm. Thread several of them on the needle and then push them down
along the thread, forming a line of beads.
Tip: Be sure to keep the cap on the seed beads closed! These little tubes love to tip over and spill all over the place. |
Step 12: Once you have a few inches of beads on the thread, tie off the open end so they stay put. |
Step 13: Attach the string of beads onto the end of the floss just like before. |
Step 14: Wrap the string of beads around the climber's rope like you did with the floss. Be sure not to wrap too tightly, as the thread easily breaks. To secure the beads, add a few dabs of super glue, making sure to add glue at the end of the string as well. |
Step 18: Feel free to keep a few inches of rope uncovered. To attach a new piece of floss after a length of bare rope, simply tie it on as in the beginning. |
Step 19: When you have covered the entire length of rope with embroidery floss, put super glue into the other end cap and attach it to the end of the rope. |
Step 20: Repeat steps 1-19 for however many ropes you would like to make. When you're finished, slide all of the end caps on end of the ropes onto a large brass jump ring. |
Step 21: Use pliers to make sure that the jump ring is securely closed. You don't want your necklace to fall apart on the street! |
Step 21: Use pliers to make sure that the jump ring is securely closed. You don't want your necklace to fall apart on the street! |
Step 22: Add small jump rings to the larger one, so you can adjust the necklace's length. |
Step 23: Thread the other set of end caps onto another large jump ring. Then, add two smaller jump rings and a lobster claw fastener. |
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